March 29, 2020
March 24, 2020April 5,2020
March 31, 2020Good evening all: I hope you are all doing well during this difficult time we are living in. I am now working from home and have set up a makeshift office. Please if you know anyone that would like the bulletin, tell them to email me. It is on the website as well and Fr. O’Brien is updating daily. I have the phones forwarded from 9am-4pm to me so do not hesitate to call the office if you need anything. You are all in my prayers, and please pray for us all. God bless you.
Paige A. Saleun
Wedding and Sacramental Coordinator
St. Patrick’s Parish
St. Patrick’s Church and St. John the Baptist Church
724 Camp St.
New Orleans, La 70130
504-525-4413 ext. 201
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