April 5,2020
March 31, 2020April 12, 2020
April 10, 2020Dear All: I hope you all are doing great. Please keep all of us in your prayers, you are all in my prayers. Here is the bulletin for this coming weekend. Fr. Garrett has added the times he will be streaming the Easter week services. He will have blessed palms at St. Patrick’s Sunday afternoon for pick up. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you need anything. God bless you all. Remember if you want to follow live stream private Masses, go to www.oldstpatricks.org <www.oldstpatricks.org>
Paige A. Saleun
Wedding and Sacramental Coordinator
St. Patrick’s Parish
St. Patrick’s Church and St. John the Baptist Church
724 Camp St.
New Orleans, La 70130
504-525-4413 ext. 201
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